Help for SecureWEB PassPort Express
This program gives you an easy way to manage the password associated with your Enterprise User ID. Here you can create an initial password for yourself or change your current one, even if you have forgotten your password or if your account is locked.To begin, you must know your Enterprise User ID, also known as your EUID. If you do not know your EUID, contact your manager or the Information Security contact at your work location. To protect your personal information, we cannot provide an online lookup for your EUID here.
When you enter your EUID, we will step through a series of screens to confirm your identity and let you select a new password for your account. When that's done, you can return to the login page and use your new password to log in.
Type your EUID and click Continue to proceed, or click Cancel to quit PassPort Express now.
If you need help, call the Support Center at 1-800-952-8889. Say "password" or press "20" when prompted, then stay on the line for support.